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Boston, Massachusetts

Boston is one of our favorite cities to work with! Over the years we have rented golf clubs to close to a hundred golf outings.

When we were in college one of our close friends went to Boston College. I had never been to the city before and when he extended the invitation for us to visit him over a St Patrick’s Day weekend, we jumped at the chance! It was a great weekend, filled with all the regular tourist shenanigans.

Luckily we were able to stay a full week and get in some golf as well. What I noticed when going to the varying courses was that the golf club rental sets were few and far between. It wasn’t the golf courses fault. Heck, it wasn’t every day that they rented out many sets anyway.

I found myself in a tough situation… Do I play with a set that was missing the pitching wedge and a five iron, and “make it work”? Well I had to, there wasn’t any other option

Today that isn’t the case. After feeling the pain of playing with shabby clubs and my friends not be able to play at all due to the lack of extra Boston golf club rental sets, today there is a solution! It’s our company International Golf Club Rental & Sales, Inc.

Give us a call at 888-626-1088 to reserve your set today!