Old Days to Now

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Yeah back in the old days you really didn’t have many options trying to get a set of clubs. Buying a set could be really expensive and if you don’t play much, the clubs just sit in your garage collecting dust and become a waste of money. If you wait until you get to the golf course and try to borrow a set from them, they’re bound to not have any or be pieces of junk. Lastly, you could always lend a set from a friend, but if a friend asked me I would have to politely say I’m sorry but NO! It seems like every time you lend something to a friend, (A) It never returns, or (B) When it does return its not in the same shape as before.

Now days, you don’t have to go through all of this heartache. Call us, we can supply and number of set for your next outing or tournament. We have over 200 full sets that are waiting to be played. Are clubs are not worn out junkie clubs either. At IGRS we are golf people, meaning we only rent out clubs that we would play with.

If you, your company, or organization is planning an event and need to rent clubs, then we encourage you to contact us 888-626-1088 and reserve your sets today.