What Type of Golfer Are You?

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So when I was reading around the Internet doing some research for the Missouri post, I came across this article. What Type of Golfer Are You? After reading I had to post this and must give credit to Bob Warters at Golfmagic.com. So here is sort of a summarized edition.

What kind of golfer are you? More importantly how would those with whom you play regularly or even with whom you play as a complete stranger, describe you and your golf game? Apparently golfers fall into at least eight categories that fit the type of golf they play or the type of player they are. Everyone has their quirks and foibles which can be allied to themselves or their golf.

Are you “The Steady Eddie,” who plays off a handicap of between six and 14 and hardly ever misses a fairway off the tee although never long enough to ruffle the longest drive adjudicators?

How about “The Intimidator,” who always arrives an hour ahead of schedule and joins the group, directly from warm-up on the range. Doesn’t say a lot but focuses on his game with the occasional ‘good shot’ thrown in to show they’re not mute.

What about “The Barmy Arnie,” who tends not to apply to women golfers – unless you know different! This Hothead could turn in scores of anything between 75 and 105. Goes for everything off the tee and very occasionally it comes off for several successive holes.

Don’t forget about “The Vagabond.” Can’t ever turn your back on this one! He will be up to all kinds of tricks, mostly intentional, others born out of ignorance of the rules. Toss an extra coin nearer the hole and replace their ball there when it’s their turn to putt, improve a dodgy lie in the rough and favorably miss-count when recalling their score.

There’s always “The Joker,” who never stops chatting and can putt you off your stroke with incessant commentary, jokes and asides. Usually they can’t help themselves.

Maybe you’re “The Accumulator,” who is obsessed by numbers and will add up your shots – indeed the whole group – as well as their own (e.g. ‘I had a 5 with two putts; you had a 6 with three putts and Fred had a 5 with two putts and we’ll give him the tap-in).

You could be “The Automaton,” who has a set pre-shot routine for every stroke and will not be deflected from it – on the tee, in the fairway, from a bunker, on the green. This is the player who thinks he’s Sir Nick Faldo in his prime and causes following groups to get frustrated with your group’s pace of play.

Lastly you might be “The Neurotic.” Nearly every roll-up group has one; they’re never satisfied with their own performance. They hit the green with a raking 3-iron from 200 yards… you say ‘Good shot!’ to which the retort comes back ‘yeah but I’ve left myself a downhill putt.’

They fade a high left-to-right hybrid around the trees and on to the green. ‘Good shot!’ you say, to which they reply ‘yeah, but shouldn’t have left myself that blind shot off the tee.’

Yeah you might be thinking to yourself right about now oh my god… Don’t worry though; every group has one or two of these personalities in them. The best part about this is that you’re out there playing some golf! Have fun and let your true personality shine. That’s what make you, you.

If you want to read the full article here is the link. If you, your company, or organization is planning a golf outing, and need to rent some clubs than give us a shout at 888-626-1088 and reserve your sets today!