Golf Technology

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The wonderful world of golf is getting very high tech these days. Of course there have been golf video games on the market for years but now it has come way past sitting in front of the TV. Also, for years now anyone can walk into a golf shop and hit a ball into a net that reads everything from swing speed, accuracy, and distance. This is all great, but I’m telling you that things are now getting even better.

Nowadays in the fast and smart(ish) world of 2013, everyone has smart phones and tablets. So what does this mean? Now there are apps galore ranging from golf-themed games played for enjoyment, to a variety of different apps aimed at helping you out on your course, acting as an electronic caddy, analysing your scoring and golf game and also analysing your swing.

One of the coolest apps is the Ubersense Golf SwingReader. This is like going to a golf shop and hitting the ball into the net, but so much better. Next time you go hit some balls, you can whip out the ole’ iPhone to make sure you’re doing everything correctly. How cool is this!

Although theses new great pieces of technology are not for everyone, they do work and they are fun to play around with.