Female Golf Caddie

Home / Las Vegas Golf Rentals / Female Golf Caddie

After coming across this article and I just had to share it! So thank you to the Guest of Gorilla Golf that wrote this one. Here is the link to the original article.

“Not only is Las Vegas is a mecca for gamblers and the stage to some of the biggest shows in America, but this brash neon-lit town is home to some of America’s most intriguing golf courses.

Indeed, it is a somewhat unusual marriage (not unlike some other ones in that city…). Las Vegas flaunts its artificial wealth, grandeur and pomposity on a scale that is truly awe-inspiring, in contrast to offering some of America’s best golf courses for a passion based on simplicity, good manners, etiquette and being at one with nature. It seems almost paradoxical that Las Vegas plays home to some of America’s finest courses, but it does.

The Bali Hai Golf Club is located right on the famous strip and is themed on a South Pacific idyll, with black volcanic rock outcrops and white Augusta sand bunkers. Desert Pines gives visitors the chance to experience a true American country club feel with fantastic fairways, immaculate greens and all the amenities you would expect. Royal Links however is a real treat, featuring 18 holes that replicate some of the finest holes on the 11-course British Open rota. The chance to play the Road Hole or escape from Hell Bunker provides an intriguing alternative to those who seek more from Las Vegas than shows or slot machines.

But, being Las Vegas, there is now a new way you can enjoy these replicas of the greatest holes in golf, and that is in the company of a ParMate.

The name may sound like a golf app you would download to your smartphone, but the reality is far different and much more glamorous. For many in Las Vegas, the beauty of the Royal Links course was not enough to tempt golfers onto their fairways. Something else was required and this is how ParMates was born.

Simply put, ParMates is a company that offer caddies to golfers who wish to play a round of golf at Royal Links. Forget your image of wizened old men in Tam-O-Shanter’s, sneaking a mouthful of scotch as you hack your way through the bushes.

All ParMates are beautiful women, who not only look great but know one end of a golf club from the other too.

Not a bad business model and the appeal of having an attractive caddie escortyou around the famous replica fairways of Royal Links is not lost on those high rollers who touch down in the desert resort. If the outstanding scenery is not worth gawping at, then certainly the ample charms of these young bag carriers will help a golfer survive the round, even if they do end up bogged down in Hell Bunker.

There is a bio about each ParMate available, which also handily lists their “Favourite Hole”, which can certainly raise more than an eyebrow. This insightful information also details the caddy’s height, the languages they can speak, their hobbies and home town.

Sadly, there seems to be little information about how good they are at reading yardage from the middle of the rough in testing windy conditions.

ParMates however is, what it is and that is a partner for a game of golf in Las Vegas; the experience is meant to be brash, bold and beautiful. Only in America? Only in Las Vegas?  No, not really, in Thailand, there are only women caddies. And in London female caddie escort was banned back in 2009.

But we’re told a ParMate will help brighten up your round, especially if you smash your first shot into the heavy rough. They may not have the golf knowledge ofFanny Sunnesen but somehow Golf in Las Vegas seems to be less about shooting a great score and more about having a great time with your personal golf accessory, in perfect surroundings.

And with a ParMate, you’ll certainly be guaranteed that.

The only question that remain is: How come Hugh Hefner didn’t come up with this one?”