Vermont Golfing

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So ask your self, what state has the second most golf courses per capita… I’ll give you a hint, its just over three hours away from New York, NY, and only two hours from Boston… Yeah you got it, the great state of Vermont.

So the Green Mountain State may not be the first place that comes to mind when thinking of golf a destinations However, golf is a thriving activity in this region and it doesn’t matter if your in Burlington, Essex, or Barre you will find some of the best golf courses and resorts that are becoming well known nationwide.

Because of its natural beauty and rolling hills, Vermont is an architects dream. The State is home to some of the most scenic golf courses in the country. With its peaceful environment, Vermont is the ideal location for a calm, leisurely game of golf. The perfect golfing conditions are nearly synonymous with Vermont’s natural ambience. While writing this post I though I would check out the weather for today August 6, 2012 at 3pm, and I see that right now in the capital city Montpelier it is only 70 degrees with partly cloudy skies. For the rest of this week the highs will only be in the mid to upper 70’s. I’m no meteorologist, but I know I would take that any day.

All in all, Vermont has much more to offer than its wonderful cheese, and if you, your company, or organization is planning a golf outing in Vermont, than we would highly encourage you to reach out to our local rental rep at 888-626-1088 to reserve your golf club rental sets today!