Need To Re-Grip Your Clubs?

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Do you have a set of clubs that you absolutely love but your grip are killing you. Well here is the best and the easiest way to re-grip your clubs. A few things you will need is of course new grips, double sided tape, a box cutter, vice grip, two pieces of rubber padding, and a spray bottle filled with soapy water.

So for the first step you will need to attach the rubber padding to each side of your vice grip. Trust me, do not skip this step. If you do not have to rubber padding you will break or crease your shafts. Very important! Once you have the pads in place go ahead and easily start putting your shaft in the vice.

Now that you have your club securely in the vice but not overly tight, you can begin the removal of your old grips. Use your box cutter to cut into the old grip along the whole thing. After you cut the grip off you will need to remove all of the old adhesive. So start scraping!  After you have the old adhesive off give the ole’ shaft a rub down just to make sure you do not have any foreign material on there.

Next grab your double sided tape and measure out a piece big enough to cover the whole grip. Now that you are ready to apply the tape, carefully place it on the shaft making sure you do not have any wrinkles or air bubbles. Grab your spray bottle filled with soapy water and squirt down the tape, and the inside of the new grip. This allows you to easily slide the grip on and to move it/align it without pulling of the tape.

Make sure you have the new grip pushed all the way on and begin to align it with the club head. After that step back grab a cool beverage and start all over again with another club. Yeah it really isn’t a hard task, just a little time consuming.