Spring Golf Preparation

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I know for all of those in the Northeast who love to Golf, you are miserable. Winter storm Nemo probably has taken every bit of faith from you that Spring is near. Well I’m hear to let you know that you will be out on the course before you know it.

However, are you staying Golf fit this time of year? Are you reading up on techniques to practice come Spring? It is very important that you stay fit in the winter. You don’t want to go out your first time and pull something because all you have been doing is sitting in your chair watching the snow fall.

Get up do some stretches and swing a club to stay limber. Also, eating right always helps the body (haven’t you heard). If you have a garage then put a space heater in it and hit a ball into a net or a tarp. Try videotaping yourself while you do it. Compare your swing to the pros and see what you need to do to improve it.

If you have a long hallway or any open space for putting, then put. Yeah I know that it’s a straight shot without any humps or dips (hopefully for your sake), but it will help. If you can’t read a straight line, then how do you think you can read anything else. Practice makes perfect, and if all you have is one golfball and a cup with a hallway then your doing something.

Once the courses opens back up and you’re out there with the guys you will want to thank me.