Tips For The Beginning Golfer

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So you told yourself that you want to pick up the great game of Golf. Well for beginners there are some things you must know and do before you go out and start hacking your way around the course.

First, don’t spend your life savings on a set of clubs.

There is nothing worse than playing bad with expensive clubs. Being a beginner, you need to master the techniques of the game before you spend thousands of dollars on clubs. Yes it feels good to have a set of nice clubs, however who is to say that you will keep up with the game.

Next, get a pair of decent shoes and gear.

Also like the clubs, don’t go out and by the most expensive gear. Get something that is comfortable and decent. As golf is a sport, you will be on your feet for a while. Trust me, your feet will thank you by the time you are done with 10th hole, and make sure you have clothing that is appropriate for the sport.

Now your ready for some lessons.

Yes book a few lessons with a Golf Pro at one of your local Golf Course. This is one of the most important steps you can take. If you don’t have someone teach you the fundamentals you will always be one step behind. Even the pros have coaches, and everyone needs someone to watch them to make small critiques.

Next, go to the Driving Range

Now that you have go some clubs, a new pair of kicks and a little no how from a pro you should go home in your skills at the range. Don’t go to the course because your not quite ready yet. Take some time to really practice what you have learned. Trust me this will pay off. See what you can do with what club. Practice some chipping and putting as well. The short game is just as important as teeing up and smashing down the fairway.

Now finally you should be ready to play a round.

Before you do so, read up on some golf etiquette. Theres nothing worse than playing with someone who is a slob on the course. When your on the green, don’t walk on someones line and always rake the sand pits. Make sure you fix you divots and if you are holding up the people behind you, let them play through. Now that you’re playing take your time. Don’t get frustrate because you made a bad shot, it happens and it always will. Golf takes practice practice practice. Over time you will get better so don’t expect to be a prodigy your first time out. Have fun because that is what it is all about.