A Perfect Golf Day

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Yesterday I made it down South to the Alabama Gulf Coast to take care of some business, and today I decided to squeeze in a round of golf. I have to say that today was one of the most perfect golfing days I have ever experienced. I played at a course in Mobile, AL where the sky was clear, the  temperature 60 degrees, and the wind at gentle 5mph. The course was absolutely beautiful and perfect on every angle.

I spoke with the head golf pro at the course and he said this time of the year is one of the best to play a round of golf. Like I was just mentioning, the temperature in this region at this time of year is quite pleasant. The pro also said that around February and March, the club begins to get booked up with multiple Corporate Tournaments and Company Outings.

I have to say if you or your company is planning a Tournament or Outing soon, then the Gulf Coast is where you are going to want to have it. Also like every company golf tournament, you will need many extra Golf Rental Sets. This is where we come in. We can supply any number of quality golf clubs to you next outing.

Give us a call at 888-626-1088 to reserve your sets today!