Golfing In The Winter

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Depending on where you live, golfing is either a seasonal or year round sport. Luckily I live in the Southeast and golfing is pretty much a year round sport in my area. If you live in the Northeast then you might want to squeeze in as many rounds as possible because old man winter is peaking around the corner.

After doing a quick internet search on “How to Play Golf in Winter,” I came across an interesting little article on Here is the link if you want to read the full article. In the article, it explains six different ways you can keep the game going during those freezing months.

The first tip was to visit an indoor facility (driving range). Personally I have never done this but it sounds great. Sort of reminds me of when I was a kid and my friends and I would go to an indoor batting cage. The second tip is to put an indoor putting green in your basement. I personally do not have a basement but this idea seems awesome. I would love to have that year round. I could see myself downstairs putting at night when I can’t sleep, or having some buddies over with some beer and making it a competition.

The third tip is to visit a simulator at a golf shop. These things are great and fun, but something about them just doesn’t do it for me. The fourth tip is to start a golf exercise program. Thats cool and everything, but you should stay lose and in shape all year, so this one is out for me.

The fifth tip is to go mini golfing. I love this! No its not the same, but you can take the kids because yes they will love it, then hate it when you beat them! Don’t forget to rub it in on the way home. The last tip that this article has is to take advantage of playing on a course that is open, even though it is cold. If the course is open then you should be open to play it. Layer up and walk the course. Good way to keep your body moving in the winter.