Found Yourself at the Wrong Beach?

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Although the sport of Golf doesn’t have much physical danger, it can however contain the mental equivalency of a Mixed Martial Arts fight, and nothing can get your blood flowing more than seeing you ball vanish into a sand trap. Golf psychologists Dr. Morris Pickens, yeah you read it right  “golf psychologists” says to “approach the shot with a little attitude… tell yourself you’re going to make the crowd go wild.”

So, in order to “make the crowd go wild” you first need to know how. There are many techniques used everyday by people who end up in this situation, but I’m going to share two with you.

The first technique starts out by standing tall with both feet angled to the target and having the ball centered with the shaft leaning forward. On your backswing keep your weight on the front leg and only allowing your shoulders to turn slightly. When you begin to come down, drive your legs forward making the clubhead pass the ball through the sand finishing your swing on the front leg.

The second technique differs by starting with a wide stance. Have both feet flared out and the ball forward with the clubface open and the shaft leaning back. On the backswing your wrist should hinge with the shoulders and lower body barely moving. On the downswing let your hands and arms power the club without the body shifting.

Now that you know two great methods of escaping the retched bunker, go golfing! If you, your company, or organization is planning a golf outing than we would highly encourage you to reach out to our local rental rep, Trevor, and give us a ring at 888-626-1088 to reserve your golf club rental set needs today! He is great to work with and will help guide you through the rental process.